Four business-critical reasons why you need to be able to visualize your network.

While the cost per year of running a comprehensive network monitoring solution – such as Statseeker – might be relatively small, you’re likely to still need a business case to support its addition to your annual budget.

Naturally, you’ll have your own reasons for implementation, but you might want to add one or more of these operational, cost and customer benefits to your rationale.

Significantly reduce network downtime.

  • Find and fix problems earlier, thanks to near real-time vizualisation and anomaly detection.
  • Plan and implement network changes for times that will cause minimal disruption, based on the latest network information.
  • Carry out proactive maintenance before problems arise, thanks to your system’s anomaly detection, trendlines and forecasting capability.

Optimise network performance.

  • Understanding why applications may be running slowly in some segments of the network, or why data is not getting through other areas, means that you can take remedial action to improve speed and user experience.
  • Identify and plan for upgrades: replace ageing and obsolete devices before they can cause real problems, and prioritize your actions list based on evidenced need (rather than on which area of the business is shouting the loudest).
  • Plan upgrades, SDNs, and network extensions with confidence.

Reduce your operational costs.

  • Reduced downtime means less overtime, fewer call out fees and reduced costs associated with emergency recovery from unexpected failures.
  • Increased network uptime means more time to plan, schedule and budget for proactive maintenance over the longer term.
  • Proactive network optimization in line with actual and anticipated needs enables you to effectively manage costs, and reduce the need for future rework.

Deliver on your brand promises.

  • Increased uptime and better performance mean that your network will be meeting or exceeding customer needs and expectations.This is essential not only for the satisfaction of existing users, but also for your brand reputation. The customer or client – present or future – always has a choice, and their ability to use your network, place an order or get in touch with you will play a significant part in determining who they will do business with in future.

Need more support with building a network monitoring business case for your  organization?

Get in touch with the Statseeker team and we’ll be pleased to help
